Market Promotion - Brazilian Food and Agricultural Product Online Match Meeting

2020-08-27 11:04:20 admin 160

To jointly promote trade in agricultural and livestock products between China and Brazil, Brazil (Rondônia) Association of Small and Medium Enterprises and China-Brazil Investment Development & Trade Center have jointly organized Brazilian Food and Agricultural Product Online Match Meeting, together with Guangdong Imported Food Association and FOOD2CHINA. At that time, quality suppliers in the field of local specialty agricultural products, livestock products and processing will be invited to match and negotiate with Chinese enterprises, so as to jointly promote trade cooperation between enterprises of China and Brazil in the field of food. 

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Event Overview

Time: 22-24 September 19:00-21:00

Forms of Meeting: one-to-one negotiation with Brazilian enterprises using online meeting software

Rondônia lies in the northwest of Brazil, which is in the region of Pan-Amazon, covers an area of 238,000 square kilometers and has a population of 1.77 million, with an annual gross national product of nearly US $15 billion. The state is abundant in agricultural and livestock products, with 9.8 million live cattle in stock, annual output of over 900,000 tons of milk, 125,000 hectares of long-term crops and 320,000 hectares of seasonal crops, and annual exports of US $1.3 billion.

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