
2021-11-24 09:49:42 IFA 144

日,我会会长綦宜龙先生和副秘书长谭雯意女士热情接待了伊朗伊斯兰共和国驻广州总领事馆经济领事Reza Saeidi先生。双方就如何进一步促进伊朗食品在华发展等方面进行了深入探讨。

Today, President Wolfgang Qi and Deputy Secretary-General Wency Tan of IFA warmly received Mr. Reza Saeidi, Economic Consul of Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Guangzhou. Both parties discussed ways to promote the development of Iranian food in China.

在綦会长和谭秘书长的陪同下,Reza Saeidi先生参观了广州(中国)进口食品交易中心.万国食坊(以下简称“交易中心”)。随后,谭秘书长阐述了华南地区进口食品市场的发展优势并详细介绍了Food2China一站式服务。

President Qi introduced the Food2China Trading Center to Mr. Reza Saeidi. Then, Ms. Tan explained the advantages of the imported food market in South China and introduced Food2China one-stop service.


Reza Saeidi先生十分认可文化品牌输出,一直希望找到合适的场地去建立B2B和B2C的伊朗形象馆。参观完交易中心后,Reza Saeidi先生对交易中心很满意,邀请我会前往领馆和总领事继续下一步商议,希望尽快推动伊朗形象馆项目开展。同时,Reza Saeidi先生还计划近期组织数家在华伊朗企业共同参观交易中心。

Mr. Reza Saeidi recognizes the cultural brands promotion and wishes to find a suitable venue to build an Iranian Show Room focusing on B2B and B2C. Mr. Reza Saeidi is very satisfied with Food2China Trading Center and invites President Qi and Mr. Tan to go to the Iranian consulate to further discuss the next step cooperation.

At the same time, Mr. Reza Saeidi also plans to organize several Iranian companies in China to visit the trading center in the near future.

此外,Reza Saeidi先生十分看好广东市场的发展潜力,并表示交易中心和Food2China服务平台是优质的合作平台,未来可以共同举办伊朗美食节等活动。Reza Saeidi先生提及伊朗领馆一直都很积极地推广本国食品,包括开心果、无花果、藏红花、玫瑰水、坚果干果等。

Moreover, Mr. Reza Saeidi is very optimistic about the potential of the Guangdong market and said that the Food2hina Trading Center and Food2China service platform are high-quality cooperation platform to jointly organize events such as Iranian food festival in the future.

Mr. Reza Saeidi mentioned that the Iranian consulate is very active in promoting Iranian food, including pistachios, figs, saffron, rose water, nuts, dried fruits, etc.


最后,Reza Saeidi先生还表示伊朗企业在进入中国市场的过程中会遇到供应链等一系列问题,而且特别关注明年1月实施的海关总署新令第248和249号。谭秘书长表示,协会及F2C能为海外供应商遇到的行业上中下游相关难点提供一站式配对解决方案,并诚邀Reza Saeidi先生参加即将举办的海关新政策解读论坛。

Finally, Mr.Reza Saeidi also said that Iranian companies encounter supply chain and otherproblems when entering the Chinese market, and they pay special attention tothe new order No. 248 and 249 of the General Administration of Customs, whichwill be implemented in January next year.

Mr. Tan said thatIFA&F2C can provide one-stop professional solutions for the industrydifficulties encountered by overseas suppliers, and sincerely invite Mr. RezaSaeidi to participate in the upcoming Customs New Policy Seminar.


In the future, we will continue to cooperate with foreign chambers of commerce in China and Consulates of various countries in Guangzhou to jointly turn Food2China Trading Center into the most influential gathering place of imported food industry and bring more high-quality foreign food to South China as well as promote the in-depth development of the imported food industry.


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