
2021-11-23 09:42:28 IFA 171

今日,我会会长綦宜龙先生和副秘书长谭雯意女士热情接待了土耳其驻广州总领事馆商务专员Serdar AFŞA先生一行。

Today, President Wolfgang Qi and Deputy Secretary-General Wency Tan of IFA warmly received Commercial Attache Serdar AFŞA and his colleague from Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey in Guangzhou.


首先,綦会长对Serdar AFŞA先生来访表示欢迎并衷心感谢土耳其领馆过往对我们活动的支持和信任。其中,在土耳其樱桃和乳制品获得准入后,我会即携手土耳其领馆共同举办了“土耳其樱桃贸易对接会”和“土耳其Pinar奶酪品鉴会”等活动,得到了到场嘉宾的肯定。

First of all, President Qi welcomed Mr. Serdar AFŞA's visit and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the consulate for its support and trust in the past activities. After Turkish cherry and dairy products gained access to the Chinese market, IFA&F2C and the Turkish Consulate jointly held "Turkish Cherry Matchmaking Event" and "Turkish Pinar Cheese Tasting & Promotion Event" and other activities, which were highly praised by guests present.

随后,Serdar AFŞA先生对过往和协会合作的活动表示认可,并说道自己明年1月将到任回国,相信新上任的商务专员将会继续推进两国在食品方面的合作,通过IFA和F2C这样专业的平台帮助更多优质的土耳其企业进入华南市场。

Then, Mr. Serdar AFŞA also highly appreciated the past cooperation with IFA&F2C and said that he will return Turkey in January next year and he believed that the new commercial attache will continue to promote the cooperation in food industry between China and Turkey and help more high-quality Turkish enterprises  enter the south China market through IFA & F2C, a professional one-stop services platform.


此外,Serdar AFŞA先生还指出,土耳其有很多优质的食品,例如奶酪、酒、干果、橄榄油以及樱桃等。土耳其是世界十大乳制品产国之一,出产多种风味独特的美味奶酪。2020年5月,在土耳其乳制品获得准入后,中国或将成为土耳其乳制品最大且最具发展潜力的市场。土耳其还是世界上最大的榛子生产国,依托黑海的优越气候,土耳其产出了坚果中的王者。

In addition, Mr. Serdar AFŞA said that Turkey has many high-quality food products such as cheese, wine, dried fruit, olive oil and cherries.  Turkey is one of the top 10 dairy producers in the world, producing a variety of delicious cheeses with unique flavors. In May 2020, after Turkish dairy products get access to the Chinese market, China may become the largest and most potential market for Turkish dairy products. Thanks to the superior climatic conditions, Turkey is also the world's largest producer of filbert.



In the future, we will continue to cooperate with foreign chambers of commerce in China to jointly turn Food2China Trading Center into the most influential gathering place of imported food industry and bring more high-quality foreign food to South China as well as promote the in-depth development of the imported food industry.

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