
2021-09-01 11:35:19 IFA 335

Today, President Wolfgang Qi and Deputy Secretary-General Wency Tan of IFA warmly received Aitor Mate, Chief Economic & Commercial Counselor, Ismael Pedregal Tárraga, Commercial Attache and their colleague both from Consulate General of Spain in Guangzhou.

今日,我会会长綦宜龙先生和副秘书长谭雯意女士热情接待了西班牙驻广州总领事馆经济商务领事Aitor Mate和商务专员Ismael Pedregal Tárraga代表一行,双方就促进西班牙食品在华发展等方面进行了深入探讨。

President Qi introduced the Food2China Trading Center to the representatives, including its different functions such as promotion and display, office place, conference and activities, catering and supporting services etc.

在綦会长和谭秘书长的陪同下,Aitor Mate经济商务领事一行参观了广州(中国)进口食品交易中心.万国食坊(以下简称为“交易中心”)并详细了解了交易中心的推广展示、创业办公、会议活动、共享餐厅及第三方配套服务等不同功能

Then, Ms. Tan explained the advantages of the imported food market in South China and introduced Food2China one-stop service and the B2B2C Activity- Food2China Carnival which will be held in the Food2China Trading Center on October 29-31, 2021.


The representatives of Spain said that the Food2China Trading Center and Food2China one-stop service will provide a high-quality platform for Spanish enterprises to enter China. Now, beer, wine and dairy products are the main directions of Spanish food promotion in China.



According to Chinese customs data from January to May 2021, Spain has become China's fourth largest wine importer, and Spanish craft beer is also popular among Chinese customers.


Also, the representatives of Spain will strengthen the cooperation with IFA & F2C team to jointly organize B2B business matching event for Spanish food and intend to promote the Food2China Carnival to more Spanish enterprises.




In the future, we will continue to cooperate with foreign chambers of commerce in China to bring more high-quality foreign food to South China and promote the in-depth development of the imported food industry.


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