F2C Online Match Event of Portugal

2021-03-22 17:35:43 IFA 2

On March 17-18, FOOD2CHINA and the Guangdong Imported Food Association jointly held an online matchmaking event for Portuguese suppliers of specialty jams and frozen egg tarts.

The meeting helped the two Portuguese suppliers accurately match with relevant buyers from South China.

The suppliers of this matchmaking event are Quinta de Jugais and B+Y Foods (Nata Pura). The main products include traditional and organic jams, fruit purees, honey, and frozen egg tarts packaged for retail and catering. Both companies are popular local brands in Portugal, and their tastes and formulas have been tested by the local market for many years. Therefore, they are currently aiming at entering the Chinese market.

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During the event, the suppliers of the two brands have expressed that they will provide certain support and assistance to the promotion of their brands in China. Also, they are willing to make a few adjustments according to the preferences of Chinese consumers.

After the event, the buyers expressed their appreciation of the event, and they are still communicating with the suppliers to discuss more details of their business. The two suppliers have reached a preliminary consensus with the buyers and are preparing to send samples to the interested buyers.
