Indian Business Delegation of Guangdong Imported Food Association has Come to a Successful Conclusion

2018-11-30 17:47:17 IFA 347

On November 26th – 30th, in order to enhance the knowledge of the South China Import Food Market of Indian fresh grape production enterprises and promote the development of Indian grape export to China, Guangdong Imported Food Association (hereinafter referred to as the IFA) was invited to organize a buyer delegation to Mumbai and Nashik to take part in an Indian business investigation group jointly organized by the Agricultural & Processed Food Export Development Authority (APEDA) and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (PHDCCI) .


During the event, the chairman of APEDA mentioned that the committee would take further action to promote exports and assess the export situation. In the future, APEDA will continue to expand its exports to China. Through the joint efforts of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Industry, the National Grape Research Center of India is continuously improving the quality of fresh grapes. The central and state governments will also implement more promotion programs to the Chinese market to promote the export of Indian grapes and other fruits. APEDA and PHDCCI jointly forecast that the export volume and value of Indian grapes in China will increase by 200% by 2020.

As the only food industry association in south China that directly specializes in imports, IFA has always insisted on connecting with overseas high-quality food suppliers and Chinese buyers. In this docking meeting, the member enterprises organized by the association had an in-depth exchange and communication with local grape enterprises, and achieved fruitful docking effect. A representative of Guangdong Imported Food Association also said in a speech that China is looking forward to increase its imports of grapes from India in the future as its demand for grapes from Australia, the United States and other places continues to increase.



At the same time, the delegation also went to Nashik vineyard to investigate some of the exporters on site. Most of the representatives of Chinese enterprises said that Indian grapes are of high quality and cost-effective, and that they have the intention of further cooperation.




As a partner of APEDA and PHDCCI, the quality and organizing ability of buyers invited by Guangdong Imported Food Association are highly recognized by the organizer. At the same time, the heads of relevant Indian government departments and institutions expressed the hope to continue a long-term cooperation with the association in the future to jointly promote the development of the Indian grape industry.
