
2022-03-10 17:44:57 IFA 239

近日,我会副秘书长谭女士热情接待了新近上任的马来西亚驻广州总领事馆商务领事Mohamad (Haris) Abdul Latiff 先生,以及马来西亚驻广州总领事馆市场官员许浩先生,双方就如何加深马来西亚食品出口行业与我会的进一步合作进行了深入交流。

Recently, Deputy Secretary-General Wency Tan of IFA warmly received Trade Consul Mr. Mohamad (Haris) Abdul Latiff and Marketing Officer Xu Hao of Consulate General of Malaysia in Guangzhou. Both parties had in-depth discussions on further cooperation between Malaysia food export industry and IFA.



First, Ms. Tan introduced the Food2China Trading Center and explained the positioning and current operation of the trading center. As well as services provided by IFA and Food2China. Mr. Latiff appreciated the professional service system and prospect of IFA and Food2China.



In the follow-up meeting, Mr. Latif said that under the influence of COVID-19, besides organizing manufacturers to participate in ASEAN Expo, the consulate also started to help Malaysian exporters to develop overseas markets through online exhibitions and online matchmaking sessions. In recent years, China as a market with huge potential for imported food has drawn attention of Malaysian businesses, with Guangdong becoming a key development market due to its history with Southeast Asian food culture. Mr. Latif also suggested that if IFA members have demands for Malaysian food supply, the consulate can recommend quality suppliers according to the demand.











In addition, the Consulate has plans to hold master classes to help Malaysian businessmen understand more about how to enter the Chinese market, and wish to invite IFA to co-organize the events, as well as participate more in-depth cooperation with IFA. Ms. Tan is also looking forward to the cooperation and suggested that Foo2China, as a professional platform, can provide various cooperation models, such as :


 For Malaysian companies that have not yet entered China market, IFA can invite customs experts and Chinese importers as guests of the imported food master class to share insights and experiences, helping more Malaysian food products to enter the China market;


For companies and associations who wish to conduct more precise promotion and direct business opportunities, IFA can also provide diversified value-added promotion services, including professional buyer teams in exhibitions, offline tasting and matchmaking sessions, and online one-on-one business matching, according to the budget and needs of clients;


For Malaysian companies that already have branches or partners in China, they are recommended to join our Guangdong Imported Food Association(IFA) and can enjoy various types of services according to their membership levels, such as policy consultation, multi-channel product promotion and participation in domestic roadshows throughout the year;


For exhibition/business event partners, IFA also can release product promotion articles to IFA members through a cooperative promotion pattern.


Mr. Latif and his team are appreciated for Ms. Tan's detailed explanation and advice. They are looking forward to the follow-up communication and cooperation with IFA. Thus, they can have a deeper understanding of the South China market, provide the latest market information and professional support to Malaysian business. Eventually, more quality Malaysian food products will be brought to the whole Chinese market and benefit the development of the imported food industry.


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