
2021-12-17 17:37:01 214

昨日,我会会长綦宜龙先生和副秘书长谭雯意女士热情接待了智利驻广州总领事馆商务领事Santiago Lecaros Edwards先生一行,双方就进一步促进智利食品出口行业在华发展等方面进行深入交流。

Yesterday, President Wolfgang Qi and Deputy Secretary-General Wency Tan of IFA warmly received Mr. Santiago Lecaros Edwards, Commercial Consul, Consulate General of Chile in Guangzhou. Both parties will discuss ways to promote the development of Chilean food in China.


Santiago Lecaros Edwards先生一行在綦会长和谭秘书长的陪同下,首先参观了广州(中国)进口食品交易中心.万国食坊(以下简称“交易中心”)。我方向代表们介绍了交易中心项目的定位与目前的运营情况,以及接下来将进行的发展计划。

President Qi introduced the Food2China Trading Center to Chilean representatives. Then, Ms. Tan explained the positioning and current operation of the trading center, as well as the future plans to be carried out.


随后,谭秘书长在会谈中向智利代表们阐述了华南地区进口食品市场,尤其是广东省进口水果行业的发展优势并详细介绍了Food2China一站式服务。Santiago Lecaros Edwards先生十分看好华南市场的发展潜力,并表示交易中心和Food2China服务平台是优质的合作平台。

In the following conference, Ms. Tan explained the development advantages of the imported food market in South China, especially the Guangdong imported fruit industry, as well as introduced Food2China one-stop service in details.Mr. Santiago Lecaros Edwards is very optimistic about the potential of South China market and said that the Food2hina Trading Center and Food2China services are high-quality cooperation platform.



December 13 this year, a protocol of frozen fruits signed between Chile and China, which will allow expand from 3 to 17 the Chilean frozen fruit species authorized to enter China. Eight of them (Raspberries, apples, sugar-apples, grapes, kiwis, peaches, papayas and pomegranates) are first-time approved for import from foreign countries by China. China is currently in fifth place as a destination for fruit sales, with 11 thousand tons and USD 23 million among 171 thousand tons, USD 435 million total Chilean frozen fruits export in 2020.The signing of this protocol is expected to significantly drive the share of Chilean frozen fruit imports into China, and will be an important milestone for Chilean agricultural exports to China.

Santiago Lecaros Edwards先生衷心希望未来能加强与协会和FOOD2CHINA交易中心的合作,帮助更多优质的智利水果与智利食品品牌进入中国市场,共同推动智利食品在华南乃至全国地区的发展。

 Mr. Santiago Lecaros Edwards sincerely wish to strengthen the cooperation with IFA and FOOD2CHINA Trading Center in the future. Helping more high-quality Chilean fruits and Chilean food brands to enter China, and jointly promote the development of Chilean food in South China and National Market.

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