
2021-08-18 16:20:20 IFA 171

On August 12, Guangdong(China) Imported Food Association and Food2China were invited to participate in the “Pakistani Mango Festival For the 70th Anniversary of China-Pakistan Diplomatic Relations” held by the Trade and Investment Section of the Consulate General of Pakistan in Guangzhou. Attendees all highly praised the event and the detailed introduction of the event is as follows: 



GUANGZHOU, CHINA - As part of its public diplomacy activities and to further introduce and popularize Pakistani mangoes in China, the Trade and Investment Section of Consulate General of Pakistan Guangzhou has organized “Pakistan Mango Festival” in Guangzhou this Thursday. A large number of guests including Chinese dignitaries, Government functionaries, diplomats from Consulate General of Malaysia, Belgium and Turkey in Guangzhou, members of civil society, fruit importers, and media persons attended the event and had a first-hand experience of the taste and aroma of the famous Pakistani mangoes.



On behalf of Mr. Muhammad Irfan, the Trade and Investment Counselor of Consulate General of Pakistan in Guangzhou,  the Acting Consul General has delivered a welcome remarks and made a full introduction about the star of the event - the White Chaunsa. He proudly stated mango is the national fruit of Pakistan and it is called the ‘King of Fruits’ and Pakistani mango is among the sweetest fruits on the face of the earth.

代理总领事代表巴基斯坦驻广州总领事馆的贸易投资顾问Muhammad Irfan先生致欢迎辞,并全方位介绍了此次活动的主角——乔萨(芒果品种)。他自豪地说,被称为“水果之王”的芒果是巴基斯坦的国家水果,是世界上最甜的水果之一。

The is the second and consecutive year that Trade and Investment Section has successfully organized the mango promotion campaign. More and more Chinese people in South China region have been introduced to this Pakistani National Fruit. This year marks the 70th Anniversary of China-Pakistan Diplomatic Relationship. “We wish our friendship is as sweet as our mangoes. Long live Pakistan-China Relationship” Acting Consul General said.


The Acting Consul General has invited Chinese dignitaries and fellow diplomats to join the cake cutting ceremony. The cake was prepared from Pakistan mangoes.


One of the special part of this year’s event, the Trade and Investment Section has invited two local social influencers for online live streaming during the whole event. Hundreds of people got the chance to see this whole event and see Pakistani mangoes right from their small screens in their hands. On top of that,  the mango selling link was activated during the live steam. 20 boxes of fresh Pakistani mangoes shared by the Trade and Investment Section Guangzhou were sold out in just about 10 minutes.




The guests attending the festival were served with slices of fresh Chaunsa, as well as a range of most popular mango dishes - including mango lassi, mango sphere, mango pudding and mango tart.


The guests thoroughly enjoyed the variety of dishes and hailed the unique and sweet taste of Pakistani Mangoes.



A group photo was taken showed everybody was giving a big thumbs-up and happy smile towards this year’s event and they are looking forward to next year’s event.



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